Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Abadidabou Sarah Esteje

Abadidabou Sarah Esteje is a French artist specializing in intricate and beautifully detailed animal and figurative portraits drawn with a Bic pen. Her illustrations are beyond impressive, not to mention incredibly realistic. Using such simplistic mediums including paper and a pen, Esteje easily captures the life and essence of each drawing she tackles. I also take a particular interest in drawing portraits and have done many for family members and various people I know. There is something about the artistic quality a drawing or illustration brings as opposed to a photograph. Being able to grasp the vitality of a person's face or animal's characteristics is something very special and should be appreciated. Below are a few of Abadidabou Sarah Esteje's drawings. I've also attached two of my own drawings at the bottom of babies I was commissioned to draw, where I used graphite as my medium of choice. Hope you enjoy! 

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