Sunday, April 8, 2012

Selective Color Photography

Over the weekend for Easter, I visited my Grandma's farm. I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get some great photos of the farm. Before my grandpa passed away 10 years ago, my grandparents raised, showed, and sold llamas. They also had a number of peacocks, and both of these sort of exotic animals are now very sentimental to me. While editing some of the photos I had taken, I came across a photo of a peacock feather and decided to try using selective color, which is an effect in which one object within the photograph is in color, while the rest or background of the photo is greyscale or black & white. This easy effect can make the object in your photo really stand out, and make your image very unique! There are a number of ways to create this affect in Photoshop, but the easiest three-step process I've learned is as follows: 
1.) Opening your photograph in Photoshop, select the Lasso Tool in the panel and decide which part of the image you want in color.
2.) Next duplicate your image layer (Ctrl+J) 
3.) Making sure the background layer is selected, you must desaturate the top layer - Image>Adjustments>Desaturate OR (Ctrl+U) to make the greyscale or "black & white" selection a uniform color 3.
Tweet me at @htt81490 and let me know which photos are your favorite. Make sure you try the selective color effect when editing your next photograph! 

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