Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Logo Design 101

I took an Identity Systems Design class last semester where over the course of the semester we were able to create a fictional company and design everything for that business including the company logo, packaging, t-shirt design, stationary, and uniform design, among other elements. The most important of these elements is the company's identity, or logo. This is what represents the company and is seen on all material produced by the business. There are three main methods of creating a logo identity design. The first entails using a symbol or pictogram to represent a company’s identity. The second technique used in constructing logos includes the use of clever typography to spell out the company name or the initials the company wishes to use. The third approach is a combination of both symbol and typography. The decision on whether to use a symbol or wordmark logo depends on the nature and overall vision the business wishes to portray.
Typographic logos are usually designed for companies whose name is classic and well-known. With clever use of type setting certain fonts, you can allow your target audience to easily remember your brand identity with a long-lasting impression. For instance, The Coca-Cole logo has maintained its exclusive corporate identity by employing  a distinctive typographic logo, no symbols or icons related with the brand. Similarly, Fed-Ex is also an ingenious  example of typography in logo design. By skillfully using a simple font, the designer incorporated an arrow between the ‘E’ and the ‘X’ to signify progress and continuous growth within the company, also relating to what the company does and is known for: transporting. McDonald's can be seen as both a symbol logo and also a combination when seen with 'McDonald's' under the large yellow arches. Many car companies, such as Dodge and Lexus incorporate only symbol identity design, making their brand of vehicle distinctive from the competition. 
Here are some of my favorite examples of just typography logo design and also combination logo design for small businesses. Make sure to check out http://www.logoblog.org/typographic-logo-designs/ for more examples of innovative and creative identity design! The next time you look at the packaging of your soup can, water bottle, or even your own company's logo, ask yourself which type of logo design was created for that brand!

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