Thursday, February 23, 2012

Abstract Photoshop Brush Design
Follow the link above and find out how to download, create, and use 52 Free Abstract Photoshop Brushes! These look awesome, can't wait to give some of them a try! 

Laurence Laborie

I follow @icanbe_Creative on Twitter, and one of their tweets today posted a link to some of Laurence Laborie's fashion photography. I am starting to become interested in photography so viewing her work was incredibly inspiring! I visited her official website and found some awesome works of art. Laurence Laborie is a french fashion photographer, a childhood interest that has blossomed into a successful career and passion. Laborie's photographs are visually captivating, allowing the viewer to see the true beauty of each model and subject matter she shoots. Her artistic eye allows natural and artificial lighting to enhance the images, without overpowering the subject matter.

At age 24, after graduating college, Laurence discovered the fashion world and decided to pursue modeling in Paris. This professional path led her to discover her true vocation: professional photography. In her early years as a photographer, she shot exterior images in natural light, but her research of beauty lead her to experiment with elaborated studio lighting. 

According to Laborie, "The light that I select for my pictures is the key to captivate beauty and emotion. The woman I love to narrate through my images, is fragile but sensual, sharp but free, she fills the space by her presence."

Winning numerous awards over the years at the Festival de la Photographie de mode a Cannes in 2008 and the Master Hasselblad in 2007 as well as obtaining a prestigious client base, Laurence Laborie is no doubt one of the most talented and artistic fashion photographers of her generation. 
*Background information taken from Laurence Laborie's official website, <===Be sure to check out more images of Laborie's work!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Darren MacPherson

This week, while scanning through, I followed up on the site's featured artist, Darren MacPherson. After reading up a bit on him and his work, MacPherson displays his obvious talent as a freelance artist and graphic designer. His focus is mainly in typography with his typographic work often being awarded by prestigious publishers and institutions. 
Also a contemporary figurative artist, 3D animator, and compositor, MacPherson pays much attention to detail, demonstrating his superb technique and aesthetics of design. While attracted to his typographic work, I find his paintings to be the most intriguing and absolutely striking. MacPherson brings life and energy to the canvas with his bright color palette and unique subject matter. I don't know about you, but his work definitely inspires me to go paint something! 
Darren MacPherson also dabbles in commercials, allowing his skills to bring vibrancy and individuality to the table. Below are some of my favorites of MacPherson's work. Be sure to check out Darren MacPherson's website at for more images and commercial videos of his work!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Film Poster Design

Although my blog's focus is on individual designers and their work, I thought I would share this blog about a cool link I found through one of my followers on Twitter. In my own work, I thoroughly enjoy designing posters and prints, so when I followed the link , and found tons of awesome film poster designs I was instantly intrigued. I love movies and always admire well-designed graphic posters and advertisements for upcoming films, so being able to take a look at the best of 2010 and 2011 was pretty interesting. 
While scrolling through the page, I found that I was attracted to compositions that incorporated simplicity of layout, content, and design. Simplicity and understatement of design are definitely common in my own work, so I was drawn to many designs that utilized these elements. Specifically, I found the poster for #12-Saw 3D to be enthralling. 

The text at the top of the poster reading, "In Eye-Popping 3D" allows for a pun or play on words with the image of the eye being the focal point of the composition. Using the Saw franchise signature "logo" in a deep red color, connects the audience with what the film will most likely entail. The piece overall is muted in color, but the realistic qualities of the eye's iris blended with the illustrative qualities of the various montage of images surrounding the eye capture the essence of the film in a very effective way. Which poster designs are your favorites?

Friday, February 3, 2012

About Me

I'm currently a Graphic Design major at the University of Northern Iowa, minoring in Marketing and Art History. By finding and researching upcoming or already successful designers and posting some of their work on this blog, it should be a learning experience for all! I will be updating with a new designer soon!